Trinity Church - Lent History Series


England, Virginia, Petersburg, - History Series
The Methodist Recorded Account

March 13, 2022  Series

Basic Time Line
England to the James River - Five Months at Sea
May 15, 1607  - Why Jamestown

Jamestown would be the first exit off the intercontinental freeway in
Virginia from England on May 15, 1607.  An important archaeological
site in modern times, experts continue searching and improving our
understanding of early Colonial life.
  In 1994 the actual 1607 James Fort thought to have disappeared in the
James River was uncovered.  By year 2007 the many new scientific
discoveries at the site would be available and released in print.
The spread of Christianity as recorded by the Methodist many years later
now comes into sharper focus and needs to be retold just like Jamestown. 
Everyone is invited to join this limited lesson series during Lent.

Trinity Methodist Church in Historic Downtown Petersburg, Virginia
Basement Social Hall - Sundays 9:45 am - 10:45 am
Lent Season March 6, 2022 - April 10, 2022
Each Week a Different Topic.  
Tulip Alley Access

March 20, 2022  Series Topic - Petersburg