Amateur Radio
Emergency Services

( May 2, 2024   - Be Prepared )

I-95 near New Haven Ct

A day ahead of schedule to attend a relative's funeral in  Ct.

A day ahead of schedule to attend a relative's funeral in  Ct.
and only 21 more miles to my destination on I-95
 around 6:00 a.m. on May 2, 2024 when traffic completely stop.

 I could tell something bad had just happened.
Cars were first going around the trucks to exit
but soon no one was moving forward.

News was slow coming in on my cell phone.

I just happen to have a variety of emergency radio
equipment with me.  I am a licensed (ham)
amateur radio operator.

I always travel with food, water, and means
to store any waste and a wealth of emergency
tools and related items plus a place to rest.

Onboard was a 2 meter transceiver,
a portable HF transceiver with antennas
and a hand held satellite text and email transceiver
with GPS maps for navigation, rescue
and SOS capabilities - by Delorme.

I pulled over and began to get on the airways.

I pulled over and began to get on the airways.

I pulled over and began to get on the airways.

Hand held satellite text and email transceiver
with GPS maps for navigation, rescue
and SOS capabilities - by Delorme.

My emergency training and preparation in
emergency communications was not
needed this day but being prepared has been
on other occasions.   n4on


