N4ON -  Active Ham Radio Operator "Curt"
GPS Location: Latitude: 37.2759 Longitude: -77.379
Grid: FM17hg
email n4on:  n4on@wcast.info

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website:  www.wcast.info/3

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Local Upcoming Training Classes - Summer 2024

"FUN damentals"
Info - Click Here

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Upcoming Regular Local Meetings - Summer 2024

"Roundtable Radio Talk"
Info - Click Here

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Currant Station Equipment
  Fixed Station:   Kenwood TS-480-HX HF Radio
Running 200 Watts
Antenna:   End Fed Long Wire
Portable Station:  Xiegu G90 HF Radio
Running 20 Watts
Antenna: Varies Depending on Location

Operating Portable:
Great Falls, MT      Denali National Park Alaska

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Licensed since 1972, Amateur Radio can be divided into 3 phases of my life.

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About Operator - N4ON

Retired with forty years service in the telecommunications field.

From switchboard operator cord boards to optic fiber, I have seen it all.

Now I give tours at the Virginia Telephone Museum in Richmond, Virginia and
The Petersburg Virginia Museum of Technology as well as travel on speaking tours.

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Ham Radio Operator "n4on" in three phases of my life:   www.wcast.info/3


Copyright © 2001, 2013  www.curtis.anderson.name  All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006, 2013  www.wcast.info - All rights reserved.  Disclaimer.

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