Crow Caws in the Heights

"Cawing CQ  CQ  CQ"

Crows are remarkable at observing and
communicating from the tree tops.

"Communicating on the Fly"

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The gathering of Amateur Radio Operators
Family Radio Service Operators
General Mobile Radio Service Operators
 and Interested Local Radio Hobbyist
Family and Friends of All Ages Like


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To Our "Crows Nest" Gatherings
"In The Heights" and "On The Air"
Colonial Heights, Virginia

A Club Team of Common Interest


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Virginia State Corporation Commission
Registered Club
File# 202407085171231

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Open to the public to anyone with an interest in learning
and taking part in a volunteer club of like minded
individuals with an interest in technical knowledge
and skills in the field of radio communications.

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Every gathering provides a training and
demonstration session.  A club meeting that
requires no joining, membership or dues, etc.
You just come, observe and learn new skills.

Join the nest of Crow Caws in the Heights.

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Cawing "CQ CQ CQ"
Next "nest" gathering TBA

Crows makes a variety of sounds above the tree tops
that can serve different purposes.
For example a crow caw could mean:
"clear"   or   "caution"
"warning"   or   "help"


Crows are remarkable at observing and
communicating from the tree tops.



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804 691-3432 - Text or Voice  - E-Mail


Visit the Crows in the Heights


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Fixed. Mobile, Portable, and Hand-Held
 Personal Stations

Child  HT Units Today
Clear Static Free

compared to

 CB in 1960's




Communicating on the Fly
Crow Caws in the Heights


Holiday Gathering
At the Pit & in the Air


 Christmas Event
Crows Night Out
Christmas Parade
Click Here



Thanksgiving Event
Turkey Trot with Crows
Click Here



Crows Nest Future Plans
Click Here



Colonial Heights
Recreation & Parks
Programs & Activities




GMRS Home Page

and Hurricane Helene


Crow Family Gathering
Local Event
Early March TBA





