Assisting congregations, groups, and individuals with the Great Commission commanded by Jesus Christ.
Enabling others through training.
Websites, Webcast, Podcast, Graphics, Text, Audio, Video, Multimedia Presentations.
"Communicating to the Masses"
Audio & Video Recorded Events for Distribution.

Webcast Your Church Ministries
Learn to design and upload your own church web site working with all types of multimedia;
then webcast or podcast your ministry to the local community and around the world.
'Multimedia Presentations' Hosted by Trinity Church in Petersburg, Virginia conducts a
series of short training classes ongoing.  Classes usually meet on Thursday mornings
each week from 10 a.m. to 12 noon for four consecutive weeks.  Classes are reserved for
ministers and ministry staff of non-profit denominations please.  We request a $20.00
refundable registration fee submitted from your organizational account before the session
starts. Taking all four sessions is not necessary but is recommended.
Learn how cost effective this outreach ministry can be and how easy to learn.
Cast your net to your neighborhood and to the world and expand your ministry.
Questions can be e-mailed to Trinity or by calling Trinity at 732-3216.

We have started holding monthly meeting for local church Web Masters and church Web Site Designers
for the purpose of sharing ideas and working together in preparation for the upcoming Fort Lee expansion.
 Contact Wcast Host ( below ) for more information.

Questions on training can be directed to:  Email Web Cast Host
NOTICE: The email address above is changed frequently because of so much
unsolicited junk email.  To ensure the 'current' email account to contact the
Host, always use the link above and not a previous saved email address.

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