Laity Sunday at Trinity - October, 18,
Lay Speaker: Curtis Anderson, Wife Delores
Some 35 years ago, I was invited to Trinity by Delores's
father, to speak at the William H. Muse
men's Bible Class for Laity Sunday. Reading the door plaque before entering the room,
felt I was stepping into
someone else's large shoes. God help me.
What looked like 100 chairs, actually 80, the room was half full of men
twice my age.
I remember feeling that way once before at age 15 in my home church when asked
to teach a men's
class for Youth Sunday. What could I teach those men who was 4 times my age.
I asked myself, "What message have they not heard before and
Years slowly passed, never thinking or knowing that one day Delores and I would join
Trinity Church. Both of her parents had been life time members at Trinity
After both had passed away, we decided to join Trinity. We took her parents pew place in worship.
By that time, the Muse Bible Class was no
longer meeting. All the class members had gone the
"WAY" of William H. Muse. The bad local economy had also impacted the
area greatly.
Could this be a good time to begin a new Muse Bible Sunday School
It was worth trying, as there was no Sunday School class now but there was some
Going back into the Muse classroom for a second time seem
strange to me.
I would stand again where I had once stood so many years ago.
All 80 classroom chairs were attached to the floor and the podium was still in the
same place.
Judging by the
surface wear of the hardwood floor, I would teach again from the same spot
William Muse would had taught. Removing my shoes crossed my mind.
I recall one Sunday morning teaching on Jesus as he blessed the small
lunch of a lad.
The disciples saw a large crowd of hungry people, while Jesus saw sheep without
a Sheppard.
Jesus saw the crowd differently from the disciples, because the scripture says
He was "moved
with compassion". Mark 1:41
Jesus used His heart to see a need, while the disciples used their eyes to see a
The Word of God clearly explained how Jesus saw the situation differently.
There must be more examples in the Bible to help improve anyone's vision.
From that Sunday morning I begin to focus on improving my vision using
scripture. There are so many ways we can see more clearly God's prospective
and what Jesus could see that many others could not see.
The Word of God to the People of God while using scripture to improve our vision.
Laity Sunday this year we will use scripture to clearly
"How God Votes During An Election"
Copyright © 2020 Trinity United Methodist Church in Petersburg, Virginia - All rights reserved.
you or someone your know are looking for a different "Spot" to worship
and learn more about the Bible, God, Jesus, and living during challenging times,
Trinity has some good places to stand and sit and our district has
training classes to offer ongoing. Let this be an invitation to find a
place of growth and development like no other spot.