TUM CHURCH DIRECTORY  -  submitted cover pictures -   lying in alley,  unrestored building

Right Place - Right Time -  Exact MOMENT  -  cloud movement - car movement -  season

Bible  -   ink-paper no pictures - art maybe  /  written eye witness accounts -  by many 

Eye Witness printed  -  NO Recording Camera images             +  re-examine,  zoom-in,  pan
                                                                                            +  moved, located in difficult places
                                                                                            +  see what has never been seen before
Though the LENS of a Camera - advantage offered 

What "IF"  right position -  time -  moment  -  snap -study images

Two Years ago,  Austin's Wedding -  record / in wedding   +  several cameras/ camcorders on tripod
                                                                                              +  old, new, borrowed

Today -  I will place a make-believe camera in scripture -  set it up,  move around, focus-zoom

Today - Ask you seated where you are -   to look with me - through the lens at scripture - as I move around


Nov. 26, 2011  -   Aug. 6, 2012    7 Month Journey        154 Million Miles    13K MPH

One Ton      SUV Size Rover    slowed to  900 MPH      Parachute Opened     Thin Air

Less than  7 Miles         before Rockets Fired           creating a dust cloud

2006 Satellite   overhead   on the backside of the planet MARS   snapped   a  picture

Moments Later -   dust settled  Rover camera sent back to earth a picture showing 1 wheel

Richt Place -  Right Time - Exact MOMENT